Winter Wetland Monitoring Recap

aaron.ellis • January 27, 2025

Volunteers faced chilly weather to complete December 2024 data collection efforts.

December 2024 was a cold time for monitoring at our wetland monitoring sites! But several of our hardiest volunteers suited up and faced the cold to collect water quality samples and download hydrology data. Robertson Millpond Preserve was a sight to behold, as there was a thin layer of ice crusting over the dark waters above the dam. It was slippery going as the crew navigated through the knees of the cypress trees! 

Pictured here is our lead volunteer Tom Schwarz, braving the water to get a quality YSI reading for pH and dissolved oxygen. 

Wetlands at Hemlock Bluffs Nature Preserve were completely dry at the surface during the monitoring event. This often happens in the fall which is a drier time of the year. Spring rains should see the return of the vernal pools, which are critical to reproducing amphibians. A big special thanks to our volunteers who came to Mason Farm, who not only withstood the cold, but also a very long walk carrying equipment to and from the monitoring well at Study Area 2 due to a locked gate! 

In other news, thanks to our dedicated volunteers, we have received great feedback about ways to improve our program. During the winter monitoring, we tested a new data collection approach that we hope will make participation and data quality even easier. If being out in the wet and the cold isn't your thing, we need volunteers to review data entry to provide ensure we are accurately recording field data. Please email Aaron Ellis at to learn more at this opportunity.

Enjoy the rest of the winter and we hope to see you at a monitoring event in the spring!

Click here to learn more about our Wetland Monitoring Program

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