Wetland Types:Saltwater and tidal freshwater marshes, swamp forest
Unique Feature:Goose Creek State Park contains several distinct ecological communities providing important habitat and food sources for a diverse group of animals and providing importantwintering areas for several species of waterfowl.
Wetland Types: Floodplain Forest consisting of bottomland hardwoods and a system of natural river levees
Unique Feature: The North Carolina Natural Heritage Program has designated the floodplain forest that surrounds the meadow as a Significant Natural Heritage Natural Area providinghabitats for diverse numbers of plants and animals.
Location: Georgetown, Horry, and Marion Counties, SC
Site Owner: US Fish and Wildlife Service
Wetland Types: Alluvial and black water floodplain forested wetlands, tidal forested and emergent wetlands, and historic rice fields.
Unique Feature: More than 400 species of animals are supported by the variety of habitats within the refuge, including several endangered species. Wetlands play a critical role in the filtration and storm water retentions of the primary drinking water resource for the greater Grand Strand region.